Alt i vandhaner ........Isvand - Danskvand - Kogende og kalkfrit..... Dansk design

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Drinking water coolers / boiling lime-free water for installation in kitchen environment or canteens

Suitable for 50 to 100 people.

  1. Button Ice water.
  2. Button Ice water with shower.
  3. Button Boiling water, lime-free

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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  1. Button Ice water.
  2. Button Ice water with shower.
  3. Button Boiling water, lime-free



  • 2 years gurantee.
  • VA approved
  • Protects the environment A ++
  • Nordic design and quality.
  • Capacity 100 liters / hour. Suitable for 100-200 people
  • Available in all colors.
  • Large Co2 bottles 4 kg = 680 liters
  • 10 liters of boiling lime-free water, 107 c
  • All cold water is purified via activated carbon filter.
  • All boiling water is lime-free plus purified via activated charcoal.
  • Available in all colors and metal alloys.

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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Danish hand-built drinking water solution in is stylish design ... Built to your wishes.


  • Ice water.
  • Ice water with shower.
  • Boiling lime-free water.


Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

Model: Swinger S 17
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New Swinger with 6 water features.

The swan neck can swing 30 degrees so it can be flushed around the sink, to the left of there is a pull-out shower which is adjusted on the mixer, choice panel with 3 buttons milled in table or door.

The cooler "Sparkling 17i" contains a 2 ° C cold metal block. Coolers are a stainless steel spiral flow cooler. All water is purified via activated carbon filter. This has a marked improvement in the taste and quality of the cold drinking water. This ensures a constant supply of fresh, clean and cold drinking water. Filters should be changed 1-2 annually. You can use all Co2 bottles 4 - 2 - 1.5 kg as well as disposable bottles.

  • ZegoWater coolers are a “Buy 2 keep” product, designed for 15 years of operation.
  • Combi L water heater delivers 106C hot water with built-in child restraint, capacity of 4.7 liters of boiling water. All the boiling water is lime-free to optimize operation and taste.  
  • There are three sizes of cooling units to choose from between 17, 40 and 100 liters per hour.
  • The "boiler" boiler is available in two sizes 4.7 liters and 10 liters. 106 C lime-free water.
  • You are welcome to see and taste our exhibition in Greve, or contact your local kitchen dealer.
  • Swinger dispensers: filtered ice water - filtered ice water with shower - boiling water that is lime-free - pull-out shower is adjusted via mixer.

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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  1. Kogende kalkfrit vand.
  2. Iskoldt vand, filtreret.
  3. Danskvand filtreret
  4. Normalt varmt og koldt.


Normal lagervare: Krom - Børstede messing - Mat sort - Børstede stål med lak.

Kan leverees i alle farver.


Kan også leveres med knapper uden kogende vand=
- Filtereret vand ikke kølet.
- Koldt danskvand, filtreret.
- Koldt vand, filtreret.

- Normalt varmt og koldt.

Den fleksible udløbsslange har en isoleret inderslange hvor Isvand, kognevand og danskvand løber inde i.

Ring for mere info. 70221538

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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New Office model

All in one Combi L S40i ..... built for office with 50 people

  1. 4.3 liters of hot water 98 c, without lime.
  2. Ice cold drinking water.
  3. Ice cold drinking water with shower.
  4. Normal hot water.
  5. Normally cold water.
  • Protects the environment.
  • No need for a mortgage.
  • Lower electricity bill.
  • Buy to keep product.
  • Quality product from AZ.
  • Reduces costs.
  • Cooling capacity. 40 liters / hour.

All in one combi L with 5 kinds of water.


Sparkling 40i contains a 2 ° C cold metal block which ensures a constant supply of fresh, clean and cold drinking water which is purified via activated carbon filter. All our coolers are throughflow coolers with stainless steel spiral from which can be refreshing, cool cold water in glass, bottles or jugs.

Our coolers are a “Buy to keep” product, designed for 15 years of operation. Everything is produced within the EU.

Combi L water heater delivers 98C hot water with built-in child restraint, with 4.3 liters of boiling water ready. All the boiling water is lime-free to optimize operation and taste.  

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

Model: Qdryp Square
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Drip tray squar drains are milled on board.

Made of ASI 316 steel


Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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All in one solo New

Drinking water cooler for installation in kitchen environment All in One Solo solution.

  1. Boiling water without lime.
  2. Ice cold drinking water.
  3. Ice cold drinking water with soda.
  4. Normal hot water.
  5. Normal cold water.

See our little video with Brian from Gastromand.

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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All in one: Tap 3 surface

This water solution needs to be spc. made for each job, contact us at

  Ice cold drinking water with and without soda and lime-free boiling water.

  • Let go of a mortgage.
  • Protects the environment A +.
  • Reliable solution.
  • For installation in kitchen environment.
  • Water heats with 3.2 - 5 liters of water.
  • Lime-free boiling water for Tea.
  • Selection buttons are mounted on board
  • All water is cleaned via active carbon filter.
  • Childproofing the boiling water.
  • Cooling Capacity 20 or 40 or 90 liters / hour.
  • Solo 3.2 L or Combi XL 5.0 L water heater.

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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ZegoCoffee Z-11 is a professional fully automatic espresso machine that is very user-friendly and at the touch of a button brews a wide assortment of coffee and milk drinks.


Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

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Glasrenser eller Glasspuler

Monteres ved køkkenvasken 

Findes i rustfrit stål og sort 

Er ikke lagervare.

$155.99  Excl. VAT
Model: SCA
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Nyhed: SMS Co2 Alarm.

Få en SMS når der er ikke er bobler i dit danskvand…. Co2 flasken er tom.


Der er frokostpause, kantinen er fyldt med mennesker, folk står i kø for

at få koldt danskvand, og pludselig er der ikke mere kulsyre / Co2 på



Her er en løsningen.

ZegoWater har udviklet en SMS Co2 Alarm som kan sende en sms tekst besked

til en eller flere udvalgte personer i virksomheden og gøre opmærksom på:


  1. Co2 flasken er tom.
  2. Der er ingen vandtryk til køleren, der er lukket for vandet.

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

Vi kendte allerede kogende vand fra hanen; All in one 6-i-1-hanen tilbyder vi nu muligheden for at tappe renset, afkølet og mousserende vand og koldt filtret vand fra din hanen såvel som kogende. Den farvede lysring angiver nøjagtigt placeringen af ​​kranen. Vælg grønt til vidunderligt afkølet mousserende vand og lyseblå til et dejligt køligt glas vand. Vandet renses med alle disse muligheder. Kalkfrit vand sikrer ikke kun den bløde smag, men sikrer også, at metaller og andre urenheder fjernes fra vandet. 

Så fra nu af er der ikke flere vandflasker fra supermarkedet, men miljøvenligt frisk danskvand fra din egen vandhanen. Dette er ikke kun bæredygtigt, men også praktisk og omkostnings besparende.

Coffee machines, water coolers, repairs, coffee machines, espresso machines and bottle dispensers

Zego Tech ApS is a development / trading company that caters to customers / technicians in the kitchen / machine industry in Scandinavia. We are all technically educated with more than 25 years of technical experience and technology as our passion.

Zego Water is our own designed product see more at

We deal with coffee machines and repairs thereof and refurbished vending machines. In addition, we deal with espresso machines and related cleaning products. We also have a large selection of vending machines for sweets, food and soft drinks as well as Fadøls facilities, drinking water cooler and sparkling as well as payment systems. You can also find Wittenborg spare parts, Universal undercases, and plumbing fittings on the side as well as everything in lime filters and John Guest quick couplings.

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