Sparkling 17i with tap 3 electronic square with lime filter and activated carbon filter.
Call for price+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924
Drinking water coolers / boiling lime-free water for installation in kitchen environment or canteens
Suitable for 50 to 100 people.
A Danish hand-built water furniture. With a maritime-inspired table top. This drinking water solution is built according to customer wishes in spc design.A stylish drinking water solution suitable for canteens, schools and other public places. Suitable for 200 people. Built according to customer wishes.
WoodTap DVT Sparkling 70i deliver:
Sensor 1. Filtered ice water. 3 c
Sensor 2. Filtered iced water with soda. 3 c
Sensor 1 & 2 Boiling water 100C
Non-contact sensor is programmable
Normal lagervare: Krom - Børstede messing - Mat sort - Børstede stål med lak.
Kan leverees i alle farver.
Kan også leveres med knapper uden kogende vand= - Filtereret vand ikke kølet.- Koldt danskvand, filtreret.- Koldt vand, filtreret.
- Normalt varmt og koldt.
Den fleksible udløbsslange har en isoleret inderslange hvor Isvand, kognevand og danskvand løber inde i.
Ring for mere info. 70221538
New Office model
All in one Combi L S40i ..... built for office with 50 people
All in one combi L with 5 kinds of water.
Sparkling 40i contains a 2 ° C cold metal block which ensures a constant supply of fresh, clean and cold drinking water which is purified via activated carbon filter. All our coolers are throughflow coolers with stainless steel spiral from which can be refreshing, cool cold water in glass, bottles or jugs.
Our coolers are a “Buy to keep” product, designed for 15 years of operation. Everything is produced within the EU.
Combi L water heater delivers 98C hot water with built-in child restraint, with 4.3 liters of boiling water ready. All the boiling water is lime-free to optimize operation and taste.
All in one solo New
Drinking water cooler for installation in kitchen environment All in One Solo solution.
See our little video with Brian from Gastromand.
All in one: Tap 3 surface
This water solution needs to be spc. made for each job, contact us at
Ice cold drinking water with and without soda and lime-free boiling water.
Water coolers for public places or canteens. Ice cold water - Ice cold water with soda - ice cold water with soft soda Or boiling water which is lime-free. This stylish Danish produced drinking water solution is suitable for canteens, schools and other public places. 70 to 120 liters per hour. Koldtvands solution can also be built into a 60 cm kitchen cabinet with Tap taps and drip trays milled in the worktop.
DVT Sparkling 70i hand over:
Barely 1. Ice water.
Bar 2. Ice water with soda.
Barely 3 Ice water with gentle soda. or boiling water
Sparkling, cold water with and without shower with tap 2 fixture. Built in kitchen cabinet, coffee machine or tower.
Office Sparkling S40i med Vola 590 i krom armatur, is koldt vand med og uden brus.
Vi har 8 forskælige vandkølere som kan sættes sammen med vola
20-50-100-300-500 personer.
Dansk design i høj kvalitet .
Sparkling 17i, cold water with and without soda and descaling water New. Built in kitchen cabinet, vending machines or Tower.
Sparkling 17i med tap 5 elektronisk armatur, koldt vand med og uden brus og filtreret vand + normalt varm og koldt vand, alt i et blandingsbatteri.
Zego WaterTower med Sparkling 17i og tap 3 elektronisk.
Dansk kvalitet og design.
Water cooler for large amounts of cold water and Danish water as well as gentle soda.
DVT QS17i surface water cooler
Sparkling 70B dispenses ice water and ice water with soda, which can be drained continuously from the cooling unit without it becoming hot.
The right water coolers for large water quantities are suitable for canteens, cafes or schools.
Here is a great offer ... can only be ordered here at the webshop, therefore this super price.
This Sparkling 35B is a powerful water cooler that can make 35 liters per hour. A tap tap for ice water and a tap tap for Danish water powerful Danish water bar with very simple tap taps, can deliver up to 35 l / t cold water and cold bubble water. Models with taps are popular in corporate kitchens, production halls, restaurants and cafes. Thanks to the taps, bottles are easily bottled or decanters.
Water coolers Sparkling 17i with Vola kv1 chrome fixture, ice cold water with and without shower.
High quality Danish design.
This water solution fits the office / kitchenette with 50 people.
Tap 5 has 5 features:
Sparkling 40i is a powerful water cooler built to quickly cool down to 2c again. VA approved, drop approved, CE and TüV.
Our best water cooler for office or the small canteen. The price is based on chrome luminaire, but can be ordered in all colors supplement of 895, -
This solution is also available with boiling lime-free water, ice water with and without shower, so the model is called "All in one solo"