Alle ZegoWater vandkølere skal serviceres 1 - 2 gange årligt. Det er specielt vigtigt at udskiftning kulfilter og kalkfiltere som minimum engang om året.

Følgende kan tegnes:

  • Desinficering og eftersyn med filter skift engang årligt. Sparkling S17i - S40i - S70i - M24i - M100i
  • Ønsker du en total serviceforsikring skal du kontakte os på



0 reviews

Hygiene inspection & filter change on Sparkling 17i

  • Review your drinking water dispenser according to applicable VA and safety requirements.
  • Control of your drinking water cooler, both mechanical and electrical.
  • Surface cleaning and descaling.
  • Disinfection of water-cooled coil. (Important)
  • Disinfection of the tap cock. (Important)
  • Flushing of tank / cooling coil.
  • Condenser cleaning.
  • Battery replacement. water block
  • Descaler of palator.
  • Carbon filter is changed. Qac8

The price is incl. piece. time and parts but without driving.

Below, see video of changing the activated carbon filter Qac8

$271.13  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Sparkling 40i with loss 3 or loss 5

  • Review your drinking water dispenser according to applicable VA and safety requirements.
  • Control of your drinking water cooler, both mechanical and electrical.
  • Surface cleaning and descaling.
  • Disinfection of water-cooled coil. (Important)
  • Disinfection of the tap cock. (Important)
  • Flushing of tank / cooling coil.
  • Condenser cleaning.
  • Battery replacement. water block
  • Descaler of palator.
  • Carbon filter is changed. Qac8

The price is incl. piece. time and parts but without driving.

Below, see video of changing the activated carbon filter Qac8

$271.13  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Hygiene inspection & filter change Cooler M24i

  • Review your drinking water dispenser according to applicable VA and safety requirements.
  • Control of your drinking water cooler, both mechanical and electrical.
  • Surface cleaning and descaling.
  • Disinfection of water-cooled coil. (Important)
  • Disinfection of the tap cock. (Important)
  • Flushing of tank / cooling coil.
  • Condenser cleaning.
  • Battery replacement. water block
  • Descaler of palator.
  • Carbon filter is changed. Qac8

The price is incl. piece. time and parts but without driving.

Below, see video of changing the activated carbon filter Qac8

$271.13  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

This water solution fits the office / kitchenette with 50 people.

Tap 5 has 5 features:

  • Ice cold water.
  • Ice cold Danish water.
  • Filtered water or lime-free water for the coffee machine.
  • Normal hot water.
  • Normal cold water.

Sparkling 40i is a powerful water cooler built to quickly cool down to 2c again. VA approved, drop approved, CE and TüV.

Our best water cooler for office or the small canteen. The price is based on chrome luminaire, but can be ordered in all colors supplement of 895, -

This solution is also available with boiling lime-free water, ice water with and without shower, so the model is called "All in one solo"


Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

0 reviews

Sparkling 70i med tap 3 eller berøringsfri / Kantine vand.

Havl årligt rens - eftersyn og filterskift

  • Gennemgang af din drikkevandsautomat i henhold til de gældende VA og sikkerhedskrav.
  • Kontrol af din drikkevandskøler, såvel mekanisk som elektrisk.
  • Overfladerensning.
  • Desinficering af vandkøle spiral.( Vigtig )
  • Desinficering af taphanen. ( Vigtig )
  • Gennemskylning af tank/kølespiral.
  • Rensning af kondensator.
  • Udskiftning af batterier. waterblock
  • Afkalkning af palator.
  • Ny trykregulator 2,5 bar
  • Nyt kulfilter skiftes. Qac8 eller 4c-z

Prisen er inkl. arb. tid og dele, men uden kørsel.

Udtalelse fra Teknologisk Institut.:

Rens af drikkevand: Her virker aktivt kul efter hensigten ift. mange af PFAS-forbindelserne (herunder PFOS og PFOA). Dog skal det samtidig nævnes, at vi som udgangspunkt i Danmark ikke renser drikkevand på de danske vandværker. 

Derfor monteres der altid aktiv kul filter på ALLE vores drikkevandskølere.


$346.32  Excl. VAT

Coffee machines, water coolers, repairs, coffee machines, espresso machines and bottle dispensers

Zego Tech ApS is a development / trading company that caters to customers / technicians in the kitchen / machine industry in Scandinavia. We are all technically educated with more than 25 years of technical experience and technology as our passion.

Zego Water is our own designed product see more at

We deal with coffee machines and repairs thereof and refurbished vending machines. In addition, we deal with espresso machines and related cleaning products. We also have a large selection of vending machines for sweets, food and soft drinks as well as Fadøls facilities, drinking water cooler and sparkling as well as payment systems. You can also find Wittenborg spare parts, Universal undercases, and plumbing fittings on the side as well as everything in lime filters and John Guest quick couplings.

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