Wittenborg logo.jpg

Wittenborg A / S was a Danish company, which manufactured vending machines , weights, baking sheets and much more. Today, together with Necta, it is a trademark that is part of N&W Global Vending .

The story behind:

Wittenborg was founded in Odense in 1924 by plumber Alexander Wittenborg, who invented the world's first vending machine [ Source missing ] . Wittenborg had moved his business from Copenhagen to Odense in 1896 , and during World War I he had established a large production of canned tins with the tin factory which Activated by NJ Haustrup of 1922 and sole owner of 1928 (see Haustrups Fabrikker ).

After World War II , Wittenborg experienced great growth, and at the end of the 1950s Wittenborg was the only automatic manufacturer outside the United States who had great exports for this.

At the end of the 1980s , staffing was at its highest with 800 employees, including 200 salaried employees. During the 1990s , the staff was reduced to 350. Until 1984, Wittenborg's grandson, Poul Erik Wittenborg, had the majority shareholding in the company.

Until 2000 , Wittenborg was owned by the private equity fund Incentive A / S , which sold it to Compass Partners . Since 2000, N&W Global Vending has owned Wittenborg, which was merged with Necta (founded in 1968 as part of Zanussi ) under the new name.

Here on the page you will find some of the best Wittenborg models, all of which are used but renovated as new machines with 1 year warranty. We have over 25 years of technical experience in Wittenborg machines and there are several of us who have been employed at the factory.

Model: FB55
0 reviews

Wittenborg FB55 renovated with 12 months warranty price 6995, -

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

$3,469.68  Excl. VAT
Model: FB5100r
0 reviews

Also available with new painted cabinet renovated with 1 year warranty Price 11.995, -

$1,734.48  Excl. VAT
Model: FB5100k
0 reviews

Renovated Wittenborg FB 5100 with bottom cabinet & cold water, our most reliable product to date. A great buy! 1 year warranty.

Call for price
+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

Model: FB7100R
0 reviews

Wittenborg FB7100 Refurbished with 1 year warranty price 10,895, - when ordering at the web shop

$2,312.88  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Eco1 stamp brewing with whole beans CSR real coffee machine 80% recycling.

$2,168.28  Excl. VAT
0 reviews

Wittenborg FB7100 B2C plus with sigma bridge punch brew, coffee machine for whole beans . Fully worked out and state-of-the-art coffee machine with and an improved environmentally friendly standby system, night reduction and insulated water tank. Renovated with 1 year warranty. Choice of 24 drinks, Easy cleaning watch video

$2,457.48  Excl. VAT

Historien bag:

Wittenborg blev grundlagt i Odense i 1924 af blikkenslager Alexander Wittenborg, som opfandt verdens første salgsautomat[Kilde mangler]. Wittenborg havde i 1896 flyttet sin forretning fra København til Odense, og under 1. verdenskrig havde han etableret en stor produktion af konservesdåser med blikvarefabrikken Activ, som N.J. Haustrup blev medejer af 1922 og eneejer af 1928 (se Haustrups Fabrikker).

Efter 2. verdenskrig oplevede Wittenborg stor vækst, og i slutningen af 1950'erne var Wittenborg den eneste automatproducent uden for USA, som havde stor eksport hertil.

I slutningen af 1980'erne var bemandingen på sit højeste med 800 ansatte, heraf 200 funktionærer. I løbet af 1990'erne blev medarbejderstaben reduceret til 350. Frem til 1984 havde Wittenborgs sønnesøn, Poul Erik Wittenborg, aktiemajoriteten i virksomheden.

Indtil 2000 var Wittenborg ejet af kapitalfonden Incentive A/S, som solgte den til Compass Partners. Siden 2000 har N&W Global Vending ejet Wittenborg, som blev fusioneret med Necta (grundlagt 1968 som del af Zanussi) under det nye navn.

Her på siden finder du nogle af de bedste Wittenborg modeller, som alle er brugte men renoveret som nye automater med 1 års garanti. Vi har over 25 års teknisk erfaring i Wittenborg automater og der er flere af os som har været ansat på fabrikken.

Wittenborg logo.jpg

Coffee machines, water coolers, repairs, coffee machines, espresso machines and bottle dispensers

Zego Tech ApS is a development / trading company that caters to customers / technicians in the kitchen / machine industry in Scandinavia. We are all technically educated with more than 25 years of technical experience and technology as our passion.

Zego Water is our own designed product see more at www.ZegoWater.dk

We deal with coffee machines and repairs thereof and refurbished vending machines. In addition, we deal with espresso machines and related cleaning products. We also have a large selection of vending machines for sweets, food and soft drinks as well as Fadøls facilities, drinking water cooler and sparkling as well as payment systems. You can also find Wittenborg spare parts, Universal undercases, and plumbing fittings on the side as well as everything in lime filters and John Guest quick couplings.

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