All in one Combi XL S70i with tap 3 surface

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+45 70221538 / +46 70-868 9924

Daglig brugere: 1-50, 1-150
Vandløsning: Isvand med brus, Isvand, Kogende kalkfrit vand
  1. Button Ice water.
  2. Button Ice water with shower.
  3. Button Boiling water, lime-free



  • 2 years gurantee.
  • VA approved
  • Protects the environment A ++
  • Nordic design and quality.
  • Capacity 100 liters / hour. Suitable for 100-200 people
  • Available in all colors.
  • Large Co2 bottles 4 kg = 680 liters
  • 10 liters of boiling lime-free water, 107 c
  • All cold water is purified via activated carbon filter.
  • All boiling water is lime-free plus purified via activated charcoal.
  • Available in all colors and metal alloys.

The S 70i refrigerated contains a 0.5 ° C ice block, which ensures a constant supply of fresh, clean and cold drinking water. The refrigerator is built into kitchen cabinets, canteens. A “Buy to Keep product” built for 15 years of operation. All ZegoWater water coolers are flow-through coolers with stainless steel spirals, from which refreshing, nice cold water can be drained into glass, bottles or jugs. The descaling water is treated via a lime filter which removes all lime.

Combi XL The boiler / boiler is 10 liters with 107 c hot lime-free water.

  • This solution requires 2 x 60 cm kitchen cabinets
  • Drain
  • Good water supply of minimum 3.5 bar

This must be ready before mounting the All in one combi XL S70i

  • 4 x 230v plug 16 amp with active ground. in the closet . max load 2200W
  • 2 x 60 cm cabinet is used or an 80 cabinet.
  • Good water supply of minimum 3.5 bar
  • Ventilated kitchen cabinet. important. See photo.
  • 1 x water outlet with balofix 3/4 "extra thread for coolers and boiler.
  • (hole for the fixture.) We cannot make holes in Stone / Granite
  • Watch this little video
  • Send us a photo of the kitchen cabinet with power - water supply - connection to drain.
  • If water and electricity are not made in accordance with the regulations, a vain drive will be charged

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Coffee machines, water coolers, repairs, coffee machines, espresso machines and bottle dispensers

Zego Tech ApS is a development / trading company that caters to customers / technicians in the kitchen / machine industry in Scandinavia. We are all technically educated with more than 25 years of technical experience and technology as our passion.

Zego Water is our own designed product see more at

We deal with coffee machines and repairs thereof and refurbished vending machines. In addition, we deal with espresso machines and related cleaning products. We also have a large selection of vending machines for sweets, food and soft drinks as well as Fadøls facilities, drinking water cooler and sparkling as well as payment systems. You can also find Wittenborg spare parts, Universal undercases, and plumbing fittings on the side as well as everything in lime filters and John Guest quick couplings.

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