The thermos jug was invented by the Scottish physicist and chemist Sir James Dewar in 1892 and is also called Dewar's physics bottle after the inventor. The first commercial thermos was manufactured in 1904 when a German company, Thermos GmbH , was founded. Thermos , their trademark for their bottles / jugs, is still a registered trademark in some countries, but was declared a generic trademark in the United States in 1963, as it was a daily synonym with vacuum bottles / jugs in general.

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The decanter originally comes from Arabic "yarrāfa" ( Danish : "drinking pot"), but has been imported into Danish via Spanish "garrafa" and French "carafa". In Danish, the word became "carafe" and "carafe", but under the influence of Danish words such as " waffle ", " fork " and " table " the word developed into the current "carafe".

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Coffee machines, water coolers, repairs, coffee machines, espresso machines and bottle dispensers

Zego Tech ApS is a development / trading company that caters to customers / technicians in the kitchen / machine industry in Scandinavia. We are all technically educated with more than 25 years of technical experience and technology as our passion.

Zego Water is our own designed product see more at

We deal with coffee machines and repairs thereof and refurbished vending machines. In addition, we deal with espresso machines and related cleaning products. We also have a large selection of vending machines for sweets, food and soft drinks as well as Fadøls facilities, drinking water cooler and sparkling as well as payment systems. You can also find Wittenborg spare parts, Universal undercases, and plumbing fittings on the side as well as everything in lime filters and John Guest quick couplings.

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